Smart Organic Farming

Welcome to Smart Organic Farming


Write for us

We at Smart organic farming allow our readers to write for us farming blogs on our website. This is a great opportunity to showcase your experience and knowledge to the people working in the area of Agriculture.

We all know that Farming is a backbone of our society and its become equally important to create awareness about organic farming and its advantages.

Quality First

We allow only relevant and quality content, there is no place for plagiarism and content spinning. We have a pool of editors who check every article for grammar, flow, technical information, and plagiarism. Ensure that you are sending an article after checking the plagiarism, you can use this tool to check plagiarism.

Editorial Guidelines For Guest Post

  • Article must be original content that has not been published elsewhere.
  • Guest posts should be between 800-2000 words in length.
  • The blog has a catchy title and less than 60 characters
  • You can include a maximum of 1 link in the article. (do-follow link based on the content)
  • Provide a proper heading, subheading, and images.
  • Always Provide a short author bio with your headshot image.
  • Submit Guest post at

Topics We Prefer

Organic Farming
Agriculture Equipments
